We didn´t plan any sightseeing for my challenge today, just went for a walk to explore a bit further in our area Pankow.
First to the Bürgerpark, then we found a cool Kinderbauernhof (Farm for kids) Pinke-Panke. Some kids were collecting money to make a Kanu-trip next summer, so they were offering sausages and bread to grill on the open fire. Was very cosy.
Also we met black and fury pigs.
After that we walked through a huge forest-park Schönholzer Heide and stumbled upon the greatest playground ever. I could stay there forever.
At the end of the park we came across the Sowiet War Memorial. It was mentioned in my book about the history of Berlin, but I didn´t check it on the map yet.
It is massive, pathetic, includes many of Stalin´s quotes and looks very much like the one in Treptower Park. It isn´t that famous though.